MacOS – How to automate recurrent steps in Yosemite


I have a set of URLs bookmarked in chrome and I do many times a day:

  • Open Chrome
  • Open bookmarks
  • Search a specific bookmark among my folders
  • Click on bookmark

Is there a way to do these actions automatically?

I see that if I press Command+Space the "Spotlight search" searches in my Mail but I can't see how can I create something like what I need.

Do I need to install some other application?

Best Answer

AppleScript and Automator

AppleScript and Automator are your best starting points for automating OS X. Both are included in OS X, so there is no immediate need to install third party software.

AppleScript and Automator are complementary approaches. An Automator workflow can include AppleScript snippets. An AppleScript can trigger Automator workflows.

See Introduction to AppleScript and AppleScript: The Language of Automation for an introduction to AppleScript. You can experiment with AppleScript using the included Script utility included in your Applications > Utilities folder.

Searching the web for applescript chrome will return many useful web sites, such as:

When you reach the limits of AppleScript and Automator, third party automation software is available.