Time Capsule – How to Allow Users to Reset Passwords


I have a Time Capsule that I share with others in the office. I control the base station and create accounts for others to backup their machines with Time Machine i.e., using

Airport Utility > Time Capsule > Disks> Secure Shared Disks — with accounts

I create accounts and a password for them (or they're free to enter it on my machine), but I also keep getting requests for password resets or changing passwords, which makes it a pain — people need to come to my machine to do it.

Is there a way to allow users to change their passwords whenever they choose from the convenience of their machine?

I'm using the Time Capsule with Mountain Lion (as are most others, and some with Lion).

Best Answer

No - this is a big admin bottleneck if you aren't going to set up a machine to re-share the disk or just share files and back up to the disk so you can have more of a server based permissions and account management toolset.