MacOS – How “official” is libressl support in High Sierra

high sierramacosopensslssl

I am trying to port an OpenSSL-based C program from Linux to macOS, and I would like to use a library for TLS which is officially supported by the OS, because then the OS keeps that library up-to-date and secure without any extra work for me or the user of my application.

I though LibreSSL was officially supported in macOS and I have already ported my program have a LibreSSL backend, but I'm unsure of the state of LibreSSL within macOS. Is there any official documentation that addresses whether developers should treat the LibreSSL library as depricated or not?

PS: I've searched on Apple's developer site, but the official Apple documentation about encrypting network communication makes ABSOLUTELY NO mention of LibreSSL (which is not the same as OpenSSL).

Best Answer

To answer the question asked:

How “official” is libreSSL support in High Sierra?

There is no official support. Apple makes available all Open Source code that it uses in macOS/OS X. From the latest version of High Sierra (10.13.3) all the way back to Lion 10.7.0, there is no mention of libreSSL.

This is not to say that it will not work if you choose to install the libraries. It's that they don't officially use the code in macOS. If you do get it working and something breaks when you upgrade macOS, it will be up you to fix it.

Apple has deprecated* OpenSSL and instead is utilizing Common Crypto, something Apple develops.

*Deprecated as in no longer developed but not removed. OpenSSL is still included for backward compatibility, but developers are notified that there is no further development and should begin to move to the newer technology.