MacOS – GUI PGP / GnuPG application


I encrypt all of my documents before storing them in the cloud with GnuPG. My wife needs access to the documents, but running gpg -d foo.pdf.gpg at the command line is annoying to her.

Does anyone know of a GUI app for PGP / GnuPG for MacOS X? It would be great to simply drag an encrypted file to it, be prompted for a private key passphrase, and then get the unencrypted file.

If nothing like this exists, I can probably whip one up in Clojure pretty easily, but I figured it was worth looking for one first.

Best Answer

You can also use gpgtools ( it is got all the possible GPG tools you are probably going to need (they also have a gpg plugin for Apple Mail) and adds Services for signing/encrypting/decrypting/etc. to the contextual menu (right-click->Services).