MacOS – Google Chrome would like to control this computer using Accessibility


I installed LastPass and on restarting Chrome got a notification similar to this:, except it was Google Chrome that wanted to control the computer instead of Google Software Update.

It might not have been related to the LastPass install and might have just been a coincidence and just happened to be the first time I restarted Chrome.

Any ideas on what might have prompted this request?

enter image description here

Chrome 32.0.1700.102

Mac OS X: 10.9.1

Best Answer

Many programs use Applescript to automate GUI functions, such as moving and clicking the mouse, but this functionality requires that the accessibility options are enabled. According to their support documents, LastPass is one such program that requires enabling access for assistive devices.

As a result, I wouldn't worry about the request. As you suspected, it is probably LastPass, and everything is working normally.

If you want to know more about GUI Applescripting, check this out: