MacOS – Gatekeeper notification doesn’t show location of application

gatekeeperhigh sierrahomebrewmacosspotlight

I just received a system notification that an application I downloaded with Homebrew was not allowed to launch. This is fine, but the notification gives me no information about where this app resides. I downloaded many applications with Homebrew and this is most likely inside a package. Using Console or some other method, how can I find out where this app is on my file system? I am wishing the system notification window showed the path to the file in question so it can be removed or allowed.


Best Answer

Spotlight might be the easiest


If you get too many results, mdfind -name Launcher or mdfind -name might narrow the scope. I'm able to locate all the things I have installed via homebrew so you can check that for another install by trying the results of brew list and feeding one other package to check spotlight.