MacOS – Full height window is not full height El Capitan


I have the issue that my windows are not really full height in OS X. I'm new to OS X so I don't know if this is new.

Here is an example image:

few pixels at the bottom of the window

Watch the few bottom pixels, the background just shows there, because the window ends. This is obviously not the full screen mode for windows like in a separate space but this is the maximize with the option key.

I am on an Early 2013 MacBook Pro Retina if that is relevant. I'm using the smallest scaling so 1650×1050

Edit: Changing the scaling didn't fix the problem.

Best Answer

The gap at the bottom of the window happens when your Dock is placed at the bottom of the screen and hidden. If it is visible, there is no gap, and if the Dock is placed to the side of the screen, the gap appears on that side when it is hidden.

I'm not aware of any way to disable this behavior, but it has been present in OS X for some time.

If you are looking for maximum window size, you could try Full Screen mode, which fills the entire screen with the contents of the window, and even hides the menu and title bars.