MacOS – Folders on top, on desktop


Is it possible to get 'folders on top' on the desktop (too) by any plist file hack or third-party app?

My desktop (OS X Mavericks) is a bit cluttered and I've already sorted them on kind, but all .AI, .PSD, .INDD, .PNG, .JPG, .HTML files come first. I'm already able to sort them on top in Finder, via a third-party addon for Finder, but I need it even more on my desktop.

Best Answer

You can sort your Desktop as you can do it with your Finder folder structure.

Just sort by "Tags" and thats it:

enter image description here

In my tests, folders are showen before other files. But of course, if you have Tags given, it gets sorted differently.

So three solutions:

  1. Give specific Tags and sort by Tags
  2. Give non Tags and sort by Tags
  3. Give your folder names starting with "_" or "#" and sorty by Name