MacOS – Fix Terminal error message “-bash: /etc/profile.d/ No such file or directory”


I am trying to remove the following Terminal error message:

-bash: /etc/profile.d/ No such file or directory

I recently uninstalled RVM (Ruby Version Manager) from my MacBook Air. The terminal error appeared after I finished the RVM uninstall. The error appears every time I launch Terminal. My troubleshooting so far (seaching google etc.) lead to suggestions to modify my bash files. I have checked the two files listed below and found nothing pointing to "/etc/profile.d/"

  • ~/.bashrc
  • ~/.bash_profile

Am I missing a bash file that is causing the error? I was assuming the error had to stem from one of those two files listed above, but obviously I was wrong.

Best Answer

You should also look at /etc/profile file, as it may have references to /etc/profile.d/

It's also worth it to read the manual for bash, as it lists all files bash will look at for configuration. This will be towards the end of the man page. To read it, in type man bash.

Finally, you can run, again in, the following command:

grep -R '' /etc

This will look for all files inside /etc, recursively, that contain text in them.