MacOS – Fink installation: After installation (I believe): -bash: fink: command not found

bashcommand linefinkmacos

I want to install "fink"to my new MacBookpro,

The core packages have been updated. You should now update the other packages
using commands like 'fink update-all'.

I assumed that fink has been successfully installed, but when I tried to follow the instruction call the command:

fink update-all

-bash: fink: command not found

Is this expected?
Or did I do something wrong?
Any information is needed to do the trouble shooting, please let me know.

Best Answer

Check that this line

. /sw/bin/ 

has been added in either .bash_profile, .bash_login, or .profile. If the search comes up empty, then add the line to one of these files. If you are not sure which file you should use, then add it to .bash_profile. Open a new terminal session and will modify your PATH variable.