MacOS – Finder can not delete files

macmacbook promacos

I am using 10.9.5. I started having this problem recently.

I can download a file into my Downloads folder using the browser, save a new file on the Desktop using a text editor, or create a new folder with a right-click. And I can delete them using the Terminal.

But I can not delete them with CMD+Backspace. I hear that deleting sound, but the file remains there. Also, when I right click the file, there is no Delete option.

Here is the ls output:

-rw-r--r--@ 1 mustafa  staff     9B Mar 31 23:24 testfile.txt

Best Answer

Are you sure you have the correct permissions for the files you are trying to delete? Deleting from the Finder and deleting from the Terminal prompt are vastly different things that each may use different permissions (ACLs versus Unix-like permissions).

Right-click the file in the Finder, and select Get Info. Then, click the triangle next to the Sharing & Permissions panel. Make sure you have the permissions you need there (i.e., "Me" has Read & Write).