MacOS – find the source image files for the browser checkboxes in Safari


I'm looking for the source PNG image files for the browser checkboxes used in Safari.

Specifically, these guys:

enter image description here

I've looked through the Contents > Resources folder in the file, but no luck.

Best Answer

  1. Download ArtTools. It helps you decode the UI elements file.

  2. Go here: System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUIFramework/Versions/A/Resources.

  3. Copy the *.bin files to a folder on your desktop.

  4. Copy the *.jar files of ArtTools to the same folder.

  5. Run the following command: java -jar artDecoder.jar SArtFile.bin SArtFile.bin/.

  6. Do this for all the *.bin files.

  7. Browse through the extracted files and you will find the checkbox there.