MacOS – Fans go wild when screensaver is active – MacBook Pro 2017

macbook promacos

I found a similar question here, but it's related to the laptop preparing for sleep. My settings while connected to power are:

  • Screensaver after 20 minutes
  • Turn screen off after 1 hour

I assume that my laptop won't sleep until after the screen has turned off – is this accurate? If so, any other indications as to why my fans go into hyper-drive when the screensaver turns on?

Best Answer

My fanspeed also was incredibly high when on OSX stock screensaver. Some virus scans and resetting of the MacBooks PRAM and VRAM later, I did a check and graphed the cpu usage. It was indeed the screensaver process which kept cpu at 100%.
It was set to a transition of pictures in a folder. Apparently the fade and float effect is too much for the mac. Switch to a blank screen with a clock shown. Fan speed went down to non audible since then and CPU is as low as can be during screensaver now.

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