MacOS – Execute Terminal Command fails in BetterTouchTool. Why


I've installed Ouimeaux to control a Belkin Wemo on OSX, and it's working correctly in Terminal – meaning that the following command in Terminal will toggle my Wemo switch on/off:

wemo switch Myswitchname toggle

It works. Now, I'd like to assign a hotkey to that with BetterTouchTool. It seems like it'd be as easy as selecting the option to Execute Terminal Command in BetterTouchTool… but pressing the hotkey does nothing. It works in Terminal though. Do I need to write it differently for BetterTouchTool?

Best Answer

I feel silly for not figuring this out myself, but I'll post it here in case anyone else is having a similar issue.

In Terminal, I can simply type this command and it works:

wemo switch Myswitchname toggle

But with the Execute Terminal Command in BetterTouchTool, it needed to be entered this way in order to work:

/usr/local/bin/wemo switch Myswitchname toggle