MacOS – Ethernet indicator in OSX menu bar

ethernetmacosmenu bar

I am using OSX 10.7

When I move between different ethernet networks (e.g., at work using ethernet on an external display, at home using thunderbolt ethernet), the ethernet does not always connect. However, I don't get immediate feedback. Instead, I connect to wi-fi. However, wi-fi is both slower and less reliable than ethernet. Thus, I'd like to know whether I am connected to ethernet or not. Of course I can go into preferences and network settings to see whether I'm connected to ethernet, but it would be better if there was some form of indicator in the status bar, just as there is for wi-fi.
Thus, my question:

Is there a way of getting an indicator of ethernet connectivity in the OSX menu-bar?

Perhaps there is a free application that can do this.

Best Answer

Late to answer but still for those landing here looking for a Ethernet connectivity status icon in menu bar, check this macOS app Ethernet Status - The Missing LAN Status Bar Icon. It shows ethernet interface, IP Address and if interface is active via changing menu bar icon. More here

It does differentiate between WIFI and Wired Ethernet and shows the status for wired ethernet correctly. It also lists the available interfaces and some useful device information.

Ethernet Status App Image

PS: I am the developer of the app