MacOS – Error “/dev/disk04 could not be mounted” when using NTFS-3G


I use NTFS-3G in order to let myself read and write to my external hard drive in the correct format. My Mac is also bootcamped with Windows 7 on the other side.

Every time I startup my Mac I get an error saying that /dev/disk04 could not be mounted, and it asks me to force or abort it.

Any ideas as to where the root of that problem might be? I think it may be related to Boot Camp.

Screenshot of when harddrive is plugged in:
enter image description here

Disk Util Output:
Disk Util Output

Best Answer

Did you install NTFS-3G before or after installing Boot Camp? What solutions have you tried? See also:

NTFS-3G unmounts NTFS partitions because it "did not receive signal in 15 seconds"—what signal?