MacBook Pro Apache – Safari Can’t Open localhost After Starting Apache on El Capitan

apachemacbook promacos

In the Terminal window, I started the web server with sudo apachect1 start, supplied the password and then got:

/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist: service already loaded

Then, in the Safari Smart Search field I entered:


Then I got:

enter image description here

In Terminal https -v is reported:

Server version: Apache/2.4.16 (Unix)
Server built: Jul 31 2015 15:53:26

How can we fix this please? Thanks.

Best Answer

Turns out that there is evidence that upgrading from Snow Leopard to El Capitan upgrades the apache2 binaries, but not its configuration. Please get the original apache2 config from a El Capitan clean-install and replace yours with it. It's located at /private/etc/apache2/original. Replace your httpd.conf and the folder extra with those you got from the clean install. Restart apache2 afterwards.