Terminal Mouse Support in macOS – How To Enable


According to this answer over at SuperUser, OS X's terminal app should use Alt+Mouse Click to send mouse events to applications running in the terminal. I tried that with the Midnight Commander, but it does not work. I am running OS X Mavericks.

Is there any way to enable mouse support in the terminal app, short of switching to iterm2 or something like that?

Best Answer

Indeed, OS X Terminal can receive mouse input through ⌥-clicking:

However, certain Terminal apps don't receive the passed mouse input.

You can install MouseTerm which will pass mouse events to the terminal.

  • Mouse button reporting.
  • Mouse scroll wheel reporting.
  • Simulated mouse wheel scrolling for programs like less (i.e. any fullscreen program that uses application cursor key mode).
  • Terminal profile integration (with preferences dialog).

It's a SIMBL plugin, so you'll need to install SIMBL to make it work. I recommend installing EasySIMBL instead though.