MacOS – Disk space lost after quitting disk partition

disk-utilityhard drivemacospartition

My MacBook Pro came with a 500 GB hard disk, and I used about 250 GB.
I was trying to get a new logic partition using the OSX disk utility, and then my Mac Book Pro froze and I had to quit the Disk Utility.

Then the available space just disappeared.

  • Disk Utility shows that the logic partition has a total capacity of 498.88 GB, available 10.48 GB, used 243.75 GB, which does not add up.
  • Disk Utility shows that the hard drive has a total capacity of 499.25 GB, available 19 MB, used 499.23 GB.
  • running df -h shows

    Filesystem     Size   Used  Avail Capacity  iused   ifree %iused  Mounted on 
    /dev/disk1     237Gi  227Gi  9.8Gi    96%   59509256      2559899 96%   /

Things I have tried:

  • all check and repair functions in Disk Utility
  • fsck -f
  • reboot and cmd+R and open the command line tool, but I cannot mount /dev/disk0 with -t hfs. It tells me resource busy

Best Answer

You probably tried to manipulate a CoreStorage volume with Disk Utility. Core Storage volumes are built after enabling File Vault 2, creating a Fusion Drive or often after updating to Yosemite.

If you don't have a second internal hard disk attached, disk0 is usually mounted to /. In your case disk1 is mounted to / which is a typical hint for Core Storage Volume Group - in case of an internal Fusion Drive disk2 is mounted to / and disk0 and disk1 usually don't appear entering df -h.

Open Terminal and enter diskutil cs list to get all CoreStorage objects in a tree-like view.

Use this comprehensive list of documented and undocumented commands to manipulate your CoreStorage Volume Group.