MacOS – Disable notification center in Yosemite


I tried several solutions to disable completely the notification center in Yosemite.
For example, see or

These solutions disable the notification panel, but, in Yosemite, the notification icon of the menu bar is still there.

How can I remove the menu bar icon ?

I know the bartender software can do that but I am looking for a solution which does not require addind another app.


  • I have already tried to remove in /System/Library/CoreServices.
  • I also tried the following command:

    launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/; killall NotificationCenter

These two techniques remove the notifications but do not remove the icon.

Best Answer

Like the spotlight search icon, the notification centre icon cannot be removed from the status bar using OS X. You should use the bartender program to hide that icon.

It works with Yosemite and has the feature you seek:

With Bartender you can hide or move the Notification Center menu bar item, but still use Notification Center.