MacOS – Disable Little Snitch in guest account


It's annoying as hell to let others use your computer on a guest account with Little Snitch installed, all the consecutive popups one after another…it's really ridiculous.

Also in the event my Macbook is stolen, a user logs into guest, all the dialogs will clearly let him know to disable connections. So little luck there using "Find my Mac."

Anyway to just disable this or set a rule to allow everything? Of course any rules created in LS within the guest account do not save after logout.

Best Answer

  1. Login to the Guest Account.
  2. Disable Little Snitch Network Filter
  3. Open Library > Preferences, copy at.obdev.LittleSnitch... to a shared folder
  4. Logout and Login to Main Account
  5. Open Terminal and run sudo su
  6. Open Library/username/Library/Preferences and overwrite file with copied file.
  7. Logout and Login to Guest Account. LS is Disabled.