MacOS – Disable Autohide Dock displaying slowly when in fullscreen


I have autohide enabled for my dock and it seems to be a feature (at least in OS X 10.11.6) that, when I drag my mouse to the bottom of the screen when on a full-screened program, the dock will not display until I have attempted to drag the mouse down at least another time.

This problem does not occur when I am not on a full-screened program; the dock displays instantly.

I'd like my Mac to have the functionality of displaying the dock as if I was not ever in full screen mode.

Edit: If it is important, I use HyperDock. A change to this also would be sufficient for me; I have a license.

Best Answer

Completely remove or minimize HyperDock delay

How to auto hide the dock and remove its delay on the Mac

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Copy and paste the following command into a Terminal window:


defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && killall Dock

To restore the default behavior, enter:

defaults delete autohide-delay && killall Dock

If you don't want to remove the delay altogether, but just want to shorten it, you can play around with the number after the -float option. For me, this is a good fit:

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0.05 && killall Dock