macOS Catalina – Resolving ‘Developer not identified’ Error with Oracle Instantclient


I have the Oracle Instantclient installed (PHP needs it for the oci extension to work), the install directory is /opt/instantclient_19_3 and every time I log in after a reboot I get the following error messages which read translate to

libclntsh.dylib.18.1 cannot be opened because the developer can't be verified.
libclntshcore.dylib.19.1 cannot be opened because the developer can't be verified

I had the same errors popup when using Terminal and Hyper but since I've allowed those apps full disk access everything works fine. Still, after logging in I get both error messages, so I assume something needs permissions but I can't figure it out. Any hints?



Best Answer

This should do it!

System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Developer Tools

enter image description here

White-listing one-by-one

While launching your non-verified app keep your System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General open. You can whitelist executables and libraries along the way. They will pop up in the general tab.

A signing tool