MacOS – Can I Delete Library/Application Support/iOSinstaller Folder


I have run out of space on my 13" MacBook Pro Retina (Early 2015).
I used DiskInventoryX to see what's taking up so much space and I saw that a folder in my Library was over 50 GB.

The folder in question is: /Users/Ruzin/Library/Application Support/iOSinstaller
The contents of the folder and the files that are taking up a lot space are text files
(See included screenshots)
My question is:
Is it safe to delete this folder? Which app created it?

Screenshot DiskInventoryX

Screenshot of one of the files in question

Best Answer

I tried deleting the folder and the system was fine after that. The file wasn't created by the PopcornTime app for Mac but the iOSInstaller of PopcornTime. I tried to install the app on my iPad and the installer created that folder and all those large files.

So to answer the question: YES you can delete that folder and all the files inside it.