MacOS – curl command can’t be found, OSX utilities have been replaced by GNU coreutils… how to start from scratch

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I recently installed homebrew and I was having a hard time because I could not install it as curl command couldn't be found, someone pointed me to use wget and that worked to install homebrew but now I am trying to figure out how to get the curl command back. I was patching an android rom with openpdroid and ran into a problem and in the process I found out when working out the error with the developer of autopatcher that I somehow or another the bundled OSX/BSD utils were replaced with GNU coreutils. I have no idea if the osx/bsdutils or GNU coreutils have anything to do with curl.

I tried

$ brew install curl
==> Installing curl dependency: pkg-config
==> Downloading
Warning: Bottle installation failed: building from source.
==> Downloading
Error: /usr/bin/curl is not executable

Keep in mind that I like a toddler just learning my first words when it comes to working with the terminal shell.

also so you know

$ curl --version
-bash: curl: command not found

Is there a way to get back to having OSX bundled utilities as default if that is what I need to install curl.

Best Answer

Something seems to have changed your curl binary. To fix it, run

sudo rm -f /usr/bin/curl-wrapper
sudo mv /usr/bin/curl.bin /usr/bin/curl