Create Script to Disallow Mac Usage at Night


I want to stop watching too much pornography at night. It'd be useful if I were to create a script to automatically turn off my Mac at 11:00 PM and keep it turned off until 7:00 AM. If I power the computer on at any time between 11 o'clock and 7 o'clock, it should immediately shut itself down again. I also want disabling the script to be difficult to prevent myself from easily bypassing it to watch porn. How do I create this program?

Best Answer

This is what Parental Controls can be used for.

You can set the times where you can and cannot use the computer. The caveat is that you cannot be an Admin so you will need to give the reins of control over to a trusted person.

That said, Parental Controls is just one avenue and you cannot rely on tech to address an issue like this.

I say this with the utmost sincerity and with nothing else than the stated goal of seeing you helped:

This is symptomatic of an addictive behavioral disorder and can be something that is very difficult to overcome. In addition to the tech blocks, I highly suggest you seek out a licensed therapist.