MacOS – Crash when using university wifi

crashmacbook promacoswifi

I recently bought a MacBook Air 13", to use at my university (Technical University of Denmark).

But when I am using my laptop in a place with many other laptops, OSX crashes every 5 minutes (kernel panic). Other people have experienced the problem here: Apple Support Thread

Someone in the thread suggests disabling IPv6, but this does not solve the problem.

Have anybody in here experienced this problem, or can anybody figure out a solution?

I use: OSX Version 10.7.2, Build 11C74

Best Answer

After reading the linked Apple support thread, I believe the problem is likely Apple's fault. My advice is:

  • Take the MBA to an Apple Store (with a genius bar appointment) or call Apple support to report the problem
  • Make sure you have installed all software updates (perhaps you have, but this is not mentioned)