MacOS – Cracking hashes for MacOS passwords


I've followed practically all the tutorials on cracking hashes for a macOS password, but I've come up empty handed.

I've ultimately come up with this hash:


I have tried both hashcat -m 7100 and john the ripper, but still nothing.

Any help would be immensely appreciated. I am trying to crack a Yosemite password.

Best Answer

You may find that just like with most unix like systems OS X uses a salt and a hash.

I would review some of the answers on AskDifferent such as:

What type of hash are a Mac's password stored in?

Your password and the salt is grilled by sha512 many times, then the result is base64'ed and reverse xxd'ed. Together with the salt and the iterations it's xxd'ed and base64'ed again.