MacOS – Copying ISO file to USB drive in OS X


I have tried to copy an ISO file to a USB drive. I am unable to do it with Disk Utility. How can I copy the ISO file to a USB drive?

enter image description here

But I get the below. I have enough space in the 16GB USB drive for the 2GB ISO file. What am I doing wrong?

enter image description here


Bmike commented "You can isolate the scanning of the image from the restoring to see if the problem lies with the image or the copy. Images -> Scan Image for Restore… from the menu of Disk Utility." but the procedure fires the error below. What does it mean?

enter image description here

Best Answer


Screen shot from video

You can also can try this. It works for me. This is a rather "raw" copy and will typically not work for a bootable USB, but will work for other cases.

Here is a transcription of the commands from the screen shot for your copy/paste pleasure.

diskutil list                                            # shows disks
hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o destino.img origen.iso   # convert to dmg
sudo dd if=destino.img.dmg of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m          # copy to USB on rdisk1