MacOS – Copy files from Folder A to Folder B based on Text File C with bash

bashcommand linemacosterminal

How do I copy files from Folder A to Folder B based on Text File C with bash?

  • folderA: source folder with image files only, e.g. image01.png, image02.png etc. There are no space in the image names, only dash or underscore
  • folderB: destination folder with nothing inside.
  • C.txt: is a UTF16 encoded raw text file, inside the text file stored the file names that I want to copy from folderA and these file names are line by line


Specific paths are

  • ~/Documents/C.txt
  • ~/Documents/folderA/
  • ~/Documents/folderB/

Best Answer

Assuming your file C contains a list of file names to copy:

while IFS= read -r file; do
    cp "${A}/${file}" "${B}/"
done < ~/Documents/c.txt

should do the trick.