MacOS – Computer shutdown while downloading mojave, and now there is not enough space to download


I was downloading MacOS Mojave and most of the way through, my computer shut down. Before I started downloading I had about 10GB of space on my hard disk. Now I about 6GB. How do I get rid of whatever temporary files are using all the space?

Best Answer

First empty your trash (just in case). Then open Finder and hit Command + F. You should now get an empty Finder window with the option to add search parameters:

image of Finder search criteria

The first one, Kind is Any is already there for you. At the right side of this row click the "+" icon to add a parameter. You can see the ones I chose are:

  • File Size is greater than 4 GB
  • System files are included
  • Content modified is today

You may have to go into the "other" section of the dropdown menu to find "System files". In sum, this Finder search locates all files, including system files, that are greater than four gigabytes in size and modified today. Tweak the parameters if you don't believe you've found what you are looking for, and carefully review any matches so you don't delete crucial system files.