Command + Tab Issue – Fix Command + Tab Not Restoring Minimized Apps


I'm on a Mac for the first time in 25 years. It is running macOS Sierra version 10.12.6.

When I press Cmd + Tab on the keyboard, I can cycle through the open applications, but if I Tab and release Cmd key on an app that is minimised, the minimised app won't open.

Is this the normal behaviour?

Best Answer

I am running system version: "10.13.3" and the behaviour is the same. I can't say whether this has always been the case with OS X/macOS, or whether it's a recent development, but it's reasonable to assume there's nothing wrong with your Mac.

The following thread on Reddit corroborates this as standard behaviour, and also offers some alternative solutions from frustrated former-Windows users who recommend hiding apps, rather than minimising them:

How to Command + Tab to minimized or hidden apps?

One user recommends the following:

To improve your Hide functionality, do the following two things in the Terminal. First:

defaults write showhidden -bool YES


killall Dock

Hidden applications' icons will now become translucent in the Dock. I love this feature and I think it should be the default. No idea why it's tucked away like it is.

Another recommends a piece of software called HyperSwitch as an alternative app-switcher, although having just looked at the website, it states that there is no solution for viewing minimised apps just yet. A solid recommendation, then.