MacOS – Command line tool for interacting with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, similar to gatttool

bluetoothcommand linemacospythonterminal

I've just found out that some Python code I've got working on Linux also needs to work on OSX.

For reliability reasons, on Linux I've been using a cludgy but effective approach to reading and writing characteristics on Bluetooth Low Energy devices. I've been simply spawning a subprocess that calls the gatttool command with the appropriate arguments and capturing the output. (None of the libraries that I tried would work reliably).

So now that I have to get it working on OSX, it would be wonderful to just use the same approach, but with a tool that works on OSX. Requirements for the tool are:

  • Read from an arbitrary bluetooth characteristic on an arbitrary device
  • Write to an arbitrary bluetooth characteristic on an arbitrary device

Is there such a tool for OSX? If not is there a way I can get gatttool working under OSX?


Best Answer

GATT isn't exposed on macOS as easily as CoreBluetooth (which you can get to easily from the command line with swift or python and objective c bridging).

The pybluez code is very well commented and has good nuggets like:

See for Apple's IOBluetooth documentation.

See for details on how to access Objective-C classes through PyObjC.

If those python examples don't work, then if you are a developer, I would start with the Additional Tools downloads for Xcode (latest beta version). If you're not a developer, then the free Xcode would be where I start to see how quickly you could get to GATT or see if the CoreBluetooth API are suitable for what you want to do.