MacOS – Cmd+Tab switches to the correct space, but doesn’t bring app up to front


I have a problem (bug?) with application switching on Lion.

I use two Spaces. Say one has Postbox open, and another has Firefox and Vim.

Vim is in the foreground, and Firefox's window is behind it.

When I Cmd+Tab from Postbox to Firefox, the space is switched correctly, but Firefox remains in the background.

If I Cmd+Tab to Firefox again, or select it in the Dock, the window comes up front normally.

The bug isn't limited to Firefox only, seen it with many apps.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

To the original poster, you weren't doing anything wrong.

Whether it was intended as a feature or not, it is clearly a usability issue, aka a bug. The problem is that often the affected app window was left stacked on top of all other windows, not behind them. Upon switching back and forth with Spaces Mission Control, the app often gets stuck under other open windows.

The finger-twisting CMD-TAB-OPTION-release fails more often than not: it either doesn't do anything differently or it is impossible to accomplish due to autorepeating keys, making it a worthless gesture.

It is definitely a bug, not a feature. Keep flipping back and forth with CMD-TAB, and the window will pop back to the top, then drop down again, erratically.

Oh, it doesn't appear to affect Spaces, so it seems to be a regression.