MacOS – Change the location of an icon in the menu bar

macosmenu bar

Every time I start up Radium the menu bar icon for the application shows up in the same place: dead smack in the middle of all my other menu bar icons. Doesn't matter if it's the last menu bar occupying application I've started.

I'd like to have it appear as the icon furthest to left on account of it displaying song information in the menu bar area once I start streaming a station with it.

Is this possible?

I tried a few key + click combinations to see if that would let me drag it around but no luck. It seems stuck in this position.

Edit: I did try a Command+click to move it — no luck. Same for Option and Control click combinations.

The image below show the current location of the icon. I'd like it to appear to the left of the Sparrow icon.

Radium menu bar icon

Best Answer

If a menu icon is allowed to move, command + mouse select will work.

You might have to patch the program (or System Ui Server). Have you asked the developer if they can implement this as a feature?

Only the Apple icons are movable on my 10.6.7 systems so it certainly isn't easy for a developer to get this working and may be impossible in practice.

The only workaround would be to have a script that delays the radium start as the leftmost item is the last to load. If you had a launch script that slept for 3 minutes and then killed, relaunched that app - it would be leftmost until another started... If it was really important, you could kill and relaunch it periodically every X minutes to ensure that over time it's the leftmost icon without you taking manual action.