macOS Dock – Removing Incomplete Download Bar


My Downloads folder in my dock has been showing a download/progress bar at 50% since yesterday. There aren't any half-complete files in my Download folder, Google Chrome isn't awaiting any action to accept or discard an upcoming download nor am I copying anything into that folder.

Here's a screenshot of my dock:

enter image description here

The only files in my Downloads folder are OS X generated dotfiles:

➜  ~ ls -A Downloads 
.DS_Store  .localized

A few things that I tried to fix the problem (unsuccessfully):

  • killall Dock
  • repairing permissions
  • rebooting
  • removing the icon from the dock and putting it back in
  • downloading something to see if the new progress would overwrite the problem

How do I get rid of this progress bar that seemingly does nothing but exist?

I'm using Mac OS X 10.8.1 on a MacBook Pro 9,1.

Best Answer

you don't need to remove/delete the Downloads folder from the dock and re add it, just move it in a new position and the re position it to the old one