MacOS – Cant connect to google intermittently

googlemacbook promacoswifi

Sometimes either randomly or after waking my late 2008 MacBook Pro from sleep, I won't be able to access or any of the services. It's mildly annoying, but fixed by turning off my wifi, and then turning it back on.

When this happens, changing browsers doesn't help. I have a feeling this has to do with some sort of DNS issue, but I don't know why restarting my wifi would fix it. Has anyone else experienced this?

Late 2008 MacBook Pro
OSX Lion 10.7.4
Connected wirelessly to a 5th gen AEBS

any other information just ask, and I'm good with the Terminal

Best Answer

To isolate a DNS issue, you might try using google DNS by setting your Mac to use instead of the DNS server it assigned or received from your router.

From there you can use nslookup and ping to test network connectivity and DNS resolution.