MacOS – Can’t click with trackpad or mouse (OS X 10.9, MacBook Pro)

macbook promacosmousetrackpad

I have a new(ish) MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9. When it boots up to the login screen it will let me move the cursor around, but it won't recognize click events.

I thought it was the trackpad, so I connected a wired mouse, and the symptoms persist.

After a little searching online I found that MacBook Pro owners have been having this same issue, and that Apple recommends closing the lid for 60 seconds, which causes some reset.

This has also worked for me, however, a few minutes into working, the cursor will stop accepting click events (even though I can still move it).

I can't keep closing and opening my lid every few minutes. Anyone got any ideas?

Best Answer

One of the most common causes of this is a magic mouse turned on in your laptop bag or somewhere similar.

Turning off bluetooth will ensure no remote button is being held down.