MacOS – Can’t change MAC Address in El Capitan

mac addressmacosNetwork

I read the answer to this question and tried to change my Mac's en0 MAC address. When I use ifconfing, it reports the newly set MAC address, but in Network Settings, it still reports the old one.

Using ifconfig:
enter image description here

In Wi-Fi dropdown:
enter image description here

I tried turning Wi-Fi on and off (using sudo ifconfig en0 up/down), still the same. Am I doing something wrong or is this a part of System Integrity Protection introduced in El Capitan?

The reason I think my MAC address hasn't changed, is that I use bandwidth restrictions using UniFi AP, but changing my MAC address doesn't seem to contravene those restrictions.

Best Answer

It has nothing to do with SIP because the fact is you cannot change the actual physical MAC Address of a NIC in that manner as it is encoded in it's EPROM. You can spoof a MAC Address in that manner however the actual physical MAC Address of a NIC will always be that of which it was programmed until reprogramed in the EPROM. I changed my MAC to what yours reports, while ifconfig shows the spoofed address the actual physical MAC Address remains as it was originally programmed. Wireshark is reporting the spoofed address but that doesn't stop a hardware verification app that polling the actual physical hardware for its address from seeing the real address.