MacOS – Cannot see files from Finder but I can from Terminal


I have one folder where ExifRenamer (some tool for renaming images by date created) put my renamed pictures, but I cannot see them from Finder. I can see the files with ls -la but I cannot see it from Finder. How can I change make it "normal"
CMD SHIFT dot (.) won't show files.

-rw-------  1 nemb  staff    6033609 May  1 18:19 2019-05-01_18-19-42.jpg
-rw-------@ 1 nemb  staff    4645069 May  4 21:02 2019-05-01_18-30-14.jpg

Best Answer

Try sudo mv -r /path/to/.folder /path/to/newfolder For example, if the folder was named .images, was located on your desktop, and you wanted to see it as images2 you would type sudo mv -r Desktop/.images Desktop/images2.

You could also try running defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES and then relaunch Finder, which would instead show all files and folders, including hidden ones (anything starting with a .).