MacOS – Bootcamp partiton in VirtualBox returns errors VERR_ACCESS_DENIED and VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR


I have been using this guide:

But when I try and mount the .vmdk I get this error:

Permission problem accessing the file for the medium
'/Users/jordan/win10raw.vmdk' (VERR_ACCESS_DENIED).

Result Code: VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80BB0004) Component: MediumWrap
Interface: IMedium {4afe423b-43e0-e9d0-82e8-ceb307940dda} Callee:
IVirtualBox {0169423f-46b4-cde9-91af-1e9d5b6cd945} Callee RC:

I have tried this:

with no luck mounting it on the ide controller

Best Answer

I have figured it out you have to run this command in Terminal: sudo chown (username) win10*.vmdk