MacOS – BGR – RGB Pixel layout problem. How to fix wrong subpixel optimization in “LCD font smoothing”


Maybe someone has idea how to solve this problem. I have display Dell P2314H it has BGR subpixel layout instead of common RGB. If to turn on font smoothing on Mac – fonts are looking terrible. I have tried to edit ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/, trying to modify PixelEncoding property from from --------RRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBB to --------BBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRand also some other combinations. Rebooted after several modifications without any success.

On Ubuntu there is dconf-editor, where you can modify /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/xsettingsand set rgba-order property to bgr

But is there any chance to fix wrong subpixel layout setting on Mac OS? This problem manifests itself both on Hackintosh and if to connect external Display to MacBook.

Best Answer

You aren't going to like it but turn it upside down.. Then you will get RGB