MacOS – Arpwatch for Yosemite


Any pointers to arpwatch or equivalent for OS X Yosemite? I'd rather not have to use Macports. Sledge hammers on gnats etc. I found one, Mocha, but it requires a version of Java 6. Current Java version is 8, and I recall 6 having all sorts of security issues.

This arises as my MacBook Pro is detecting another device using it's IP address.

Command line version is fine.

Best Answer

You can simply right-click /Applications/ and launch it with the Java Launcher. I don't know if the JRE version contains this "app" - at least the JDK does.

After modifying the innards (e.g the info.plist & JavaApplicationStub) it may also be possible to launch the app itself without installing Java6, but I didn't get this to work.