MacOS – AppleScript find the user’s set default browser


I've been doing some research on this topic but it seems Apple has changed their file hierarchy. From the MacScripter post "Get user default browser" it references the line:

 set pListpath to (path to preferences as Unicode text) & ""

but when running the handler in Sierra I'm returned an error that the file is empty. Further research I found "How to use an AppleScript app bundle as the default browser in os x?" and "Use default browser in custom Apple Script?" that suggest:

on open location theURL
end open location

but I'm wanting to preserve the browser in a variable to reference later on in my script. In Sierra is there a file or way to reference what the default browser?

Best Answer

Correct, the file for has changed to ~/Library/Preferences/

I'm running macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), but the script should work with Sierra as well. Please report back.

# return default browser in macOS
# tested with macOS 10.13.3

set default_browser to do shell script "x=~/Library/Preferences/; \\
plutil -convert xml1 $x; \\
grep 'https' -b3 $x | awk 'NR==2 {split($2, arr, \"[><]\"); print arr[3]}'; \\
plutil -convert binary1 $x"

if default_browser is "org.mozilla.firefox" then
    set browser_name to "Firefox"
else if default_browser is "" then
    set browser_name to "Safari"
    set browser_name to "Probably Google Chrome"
end if

The output will look like this:
