MacOS – After 10.9.2 updated, OSX crashed, contextual menu broken


1/After I updated to 10.9.2 this morning, my OSX keeps crashing over and over again. Up to now is almost 10 times or more.
2/Besides that issue, I also found my Contextual Menu in Finder really weird. It's messy and lost "Services" menu item. (see image below)

Contextual Menu

I doubt that some of my Apple Scripts may be incompatible with 10.9.2 and caused such crash. Can anybody guide me how and where to remove those add-on scripts?
3/ Also when I press any keys from the Hot Keys section above on the keyboard, it caused OSX to crash. Does anybody know how to fix the crashing?

Best Answer

It is very probably caused by Total Finder app. Try to update it or simply quit it and run again. It worked for me and contextual menu is back.