MacOS – Accent popup in


I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to enable the press-and-hold accent popup in, where it does not work out of the box? Does not have to be press-and-hold, but some way to bring up the popup.

I'm used to the unix-style Compose key, but the accent popup seems like a good substitute, especially given that it should also be possible to configure it to support Greek alphabet (for maths), following the instructions in another question: How to add characters to the press and hold character picker in OS X Lion? . But if it won't work in as well, then I'll have to set up a Compose key as explained here: .

Best Answer

This can be done with a bit of hacking. ;)

Before proceeding, you should backup your Terminal’s preferences file:

cp "Library/Preferences/" "Library/Preferences/"

Check to see if the file was copied successfully:

ls "Library/Preferences/"

If it prints Library/Preferences/ then you're good to go. Otherwise make sure you typed the first command correctly.

Now for the fun part, you can modify the internal settings of the Terminal by typing:

defaults write "ApplePressAndHoldEnabled" -bool true

Close the Terminal completely by first closing all open Terminal windows and then right clicking the Dock icon and choosing Quit.

Open the Terminal again and smile :)

Let me know if this doesn't work on your system.