MacOS – A turning gear appears when I run this workflow, why


I am running the following script (called Restart AppleTV) using automator :

on run {input, parameters}

  do shell script "sudo killall coreaudiod" with administrator privileges

  return input
end run

However, I get the following in the statusbar :

enter image description here

The terminal code DOES run, but the gear never disappears unless I manually click the x button .. How can I get rid of this automatically or prevent it from appearing in the first place ?

–Note : This only happens when I run it by double clicking the exported .app file, but not when I run the code through automator.

Best Answer


on run {input, parameters}
    set myPassword to "My Password"

    ignoring application responses
        do shell script "sudo killall coreaudiod" password myPassword with administrator privileges
    end ignoring
end run


on run {input, parameters}
    set myPassword to "My Password"

    ignoring application responses
        do shell script "sudo killall coreaudiod &>/dev/null &" password myPassword with administrator privileges
    end ignoring
end run