Automatic Eject SD Card When Mac Sleeps – macOS 10.15.4 Guide

catalinamacmacossd card

I bought a transcent jet lite sd card for my macbook pro mid 2014. On MacOS 10.15.4 whenever my macbook goes to sleep my sd card automatically ejected and there is no device in disk utility to mount again and I had to physically put sd card again and it's annoying.

I tried these but none of them solve my problem.

  1. Reset SMC
  2. uncheck put hard drives sleep in energy saver
  3. Install Mountain App
  4. Installing jetdrive toolbox and turn it on

Best Answer

Finally I found what my problem it is I open and filter with /dev/disk2 and found out transcend helper eject my disk so I uninstall app and delete helper tools and then reboot.

Command to delete transcend helper tools:

sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.transcend.TSSleepHandlerHelp.plist
sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.transcend.TSSleepHandlerHelp