MacBookPro stopped booting what should I try

bootmacbook pro

My 2008 MacBook Pro suddenly stopped booting the other day and now the screen looks like this each time it attempts to boot:
dodgy looking screen

The boot time sound still happens, but I just see the dodgy pink with the apple in the background for a few seconds before it reboots. I can hold alt as it boots but bootcamp and recovery fail to start in just the same way.

Is the laptop dead? What's my next step otherwise?

Best Answer

If this is an early 2008 Macbook pro (4,1) then you may finally have encounted the infamous horrible Nvidia 8600 hardwarelproblem that everyone with this model is waiting for.

Nvidia problems

Possibly affected systems include 17-inch, 2.4GHz MacBook Pros, 15-inch, 2.4 and 2.2GHz MacBook Pros, and MacBook Pros manufactured in early 2008, all with Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT graphics chips. All such systems were made between May 2007 and September 2008.Macworld | Apple offers MacBook Pro Nvidia graphics repair

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