MacBook – Windows on Parallels 10 with 2 out of 3 monitors only

displaymacbook proparallels-desktop

I've MacBook Pro with 2 external monitors connected. Is there a way to configure Parallels so that it allows you to use 2 monitors for Windows and the main one for Mac? I only found option to make it all or just 1. Also I don't want to expand Windows across the 2 monitors (i guess there's an option to do that). I want them treated as separate spaces so i can easily move things around between 2 monitors (for example Outlook on one, chrome on the other).

Best Answer

Using UltraMon seems to work fine for me, I've found it in a post on the Parallels Forum:

I will start the VM with 3 screens, then I use a 3rd party software (UltraMon) and disable the one display so that my VM uses two screens running Windows 7 and my MacOS uses the one.